The battle for freedom
What is the measure to the scale we use to measure people? What do we do about the limitations on the scale we use to make judgments? What if we don’t know that the scale is miscalibrated? What if we never adjust the scale?
What is the sample size of thoughts heard, events witnessed, decisions understood, time spent, and meanings reflected before we re-calibrate the scale? How does the subjective definition of right affect this calibration?
What is the power of this scale? How does it change the subject being measured? What does it, in turn, do to the subject’s scale of measurement for the world he lives in? How responsible are we with calibrating our scales?
How much do we care?
What does it take to re-calibrate? How do we create a safe environment for the thought experiment, to give in to the unknown, to absorb and to retract without fear of misrepresentation of self? What does this freedom look like?
When you look out a train window and see an adjacent train appear to move, do you consider for a second that you might be the one moving?
How do you truly be free in a world that uses different, incomplete, and misplaced scales of measurement knowing that these measurements guide and define your living? How do you escape the risks of this definition?
When do we throw in the towel and stop caring about which train is actually moving? When do you stop the battle for freedom?